Kubernetes Developer Guide | Helm Development Guide | Reference Architecture
- Architecture Patterns and Best Practices
- Asynchronous Messaging using Kafka
- Autoscaling
- AWS ECS E2E Architecture
- Continuous Deployment - Continuous Delivery
- External Configuration
- Java Spring JPA Microservice on Kubernetes or EKS or ECS or Docker or Beanstalk or EC2 Tomcat Spring Boot
- Microservice API Gateway Patterns
- Microservices
- Object Relational Mapping
- Reference Architecture
- Serverless
- Technology
- Throughput Computing
ARCDEVOPS-1 - AWS Cloud Architecture In Progress
ARCDEVOPS-10 - non-root container architecture for kubernetes/docker To Do
Architecture Diagrams
At least 3 types of diagram (full, application, flow)
Full | Includes application agnostic security (DDoS, DPI, CVE) |
Application | Includes application specific components |
Flow | Shows flows through the system per use case |
Kubernetes Architectures
Helm/Kubernetes based Architecture
(recommended) - Reference Architecture#Architecture
Nascent AWS Architecture Examples
AWS Developer Guide#AWSArchitectureConsiderations
Best Practices AWS Architecture
This architecture details what can be achieved using the latest Helm/Kubernetes as the orchestrator and/or ECS/Fargate as the cluster manager
AWS EKS Kubernetes based Architecture
AWS ECS Fargate based Architecture
AWS ECS EC2 based Architecture
(not fully optimized) - see AWS Developer Guide#ECS-ElasticContainerService-Development and AWS-4 - AWS API-Gateway to ECS pipeline via console In Progress
The following AWS architecture is based around the Elastic Container Service (ECS) running on 1 ore more EC2 instances in an EC2 cluster.
The pipeline consists of pushing git artifacts to S3, running CodeBuild to produce the War or spring boot Jar and the docker image in ECR, running CodeDeploy to deploy the task definition to ECS.
User access to the deployed service is via the API Gateway through the ELB.
Developer access to the docker container(s) is either via the Systems Manager or via the bastion on an SSH tunnel.
This architecture is an example of a resource constrained design - for example using ECS/EC2 instead of Fargate as the cluster manager or Kubernetes as the orchestrator.
Infrastructure/Platform/Software/Function as a Service
There are many valid architectures suited to a particular set of use cases and requirements. Some of these are hybrid, some are a combination of local or cloud based infrastructure, platform, software or function as a service offerings. I will summarize a subset that I am familiar with or actively implementing here.
AWS CodeCommit/CodeBuild/CodeDeploy/CodePipeline
Well Architected Framework - AWS
Based on the standard Amazon AWS Well Architected Best Practices
Server Reference Architecture
Platform as a Service Reference Architecture
IE: ElasticBeanstalk
Serverless Reference Architecture
IE: Lambda
API Gateway
Log Streaming and Tracing - Logging
Data Storage
File Storage
Placement groups
If resizing a cluster re-launch all the VMS to allow for single placement
CI/CD Pipelines
I have experience in the past going back to 2014 where I used Atlassian Bamboo to run AWS EC2 instances for build and deployment. AWS now provides a better alternative where we run our CodeBuild instances inside the private subnet of a VPC - where we can get access to everything inside.
https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Cloud+Native+Deployment and https://medium.com/swlh/universal-cicd-pipeline-on-aws-and-k8s-7b4129fac5d4
Github/CodeCommit + CodeBuild + CodeDeploy + CodePipeline
We need a 2 subnet VPC that uses a NAT Gateway - not a NAT EC2 instance. We also need a <repo>-codebuild yaml file with the buildspec or we get the following
[Container] 2019 / 06 / 26 17 : 50 : 23 CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR=/codebuild/output/src388071284/src/github.com/obrienlabs/difference-cloud [Container] 2019 / 06 / 26 17 : 50 : 23 Phase context status code: YAML_FILE_ERROR Message: stat /codebuild/output/src388071284/src/github.com/obrienlabs/difference-cloud/difference-cloud-codebuild: no such file or directory |
Create a 2 subnet Public/Private VPC with NAT Gateway and Bastion
AWS Developer Guide#Createa2subnetPublic/PrivateVPCwithNATGatewayandBastion
Cognito Errors
Unrecognizable lambda output (Service: AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService; Status Code: 400 ; Error Code: InvalidLambdaResponseException; Request ID: 36ca1bee-b978- 4803 -80e8-d89cc48ae80b) |
github + jenkins + sh script + AWS
Traditional custom scripts are the layer over direct AWS deployment commands or cloudformation templates.
github + jenkins + terraform + AWS
Add terraform as the layer over cloudformation.
Example Architectures
Backend: Relational DB - App: Spring Boot REST WAR with AngularJS Frontend
In this section we will create a simple one page web application that is running a REST controller on top of a relational ORM DB. Deployment will be via docker container using kubernetes as the orchestrator.
Eclipse Project Creation
Navigate to spring.io to create the project template
Best Practices
GUI and REST API Separation
Use an API gateway approach. See Netflix and CloudFoundry
Database and Use case Matching
Relational DB for relational data
Graph DB for deep traversal data
KV store for unstructured row level data
Identity and SSO
Secure Remote Protocol - http://srp.stanford.edu/ | Signature Version 4 - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html |
Reference Architecture#SingleSignOn
WebSocket vs HTTP 1/2 and SSE
Platform Maturity
Some of what I learned working on ONAP S3P - design for Security, Scalability, Stability and Performance. A lot of maturity requirements are met by using a container framework like Kubernetes under Helm.
1 Comment
Michael O'Brien
Team, yesterday there was a question on whether we represent JSON Double values with “” quotes in json.
I mentioned that we could use non-quotes like
“income”: 10.0
but we formalized only on strings
“Income”: “10.0”
The reason I mentioned not using quotes is that since there is no real schema representation like xml/xsd pairs - we are free to let the jaxb or jpa representation drive the json schema. In my case I use either. An Integer heartrate renders in json as 91 but a String magnetic field vector renders as “-23…”
I have String, Double and Integer versions of numeric values exported as numbers or strings based on their java type
The heartRate field is defined as and Integer object
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Record, Integer> heartRate2;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Record, Double> speed;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Record, String> teslaY;
The metamodel is extracted from the base entity
private Integer heartRate2;
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